The future. The setting is in Russia, around the year 2091, where humanity has made numerous advancements, including flying cars and humanoid robots living alongside humans, creating a new race. However, a massive problem has befallen the world: the global population exceeds only 2 billion, and 72% of essential resources have been depleted. The Earth's terrain has transformed, leaving only the continent of Europe as other areas have submerged into underwater cities.

A scientist named Mikhail Lebedev was rumored to have worked on a project to avert the catastrophic threat of extinction. Unfortunately, his work never reached us. In 2087, as the predictions of extinction grew, he vanished without a trace, leaving no information about his whereabouts. After four years of his mysterious absence, desperate measures were taken... The Mikhail Lebedev Library, a secluded colossal structure where chances are high that the scientist's invention resides.

Lebedev had his assistant, Lucy, who always carried the key to the library's doors. Unfinished in his project, the scientist disappeared, and Lucy now guards the library, allowing only Mikhail Lebedev himself to enter.


As for you, my courageous friend, you've been chosen as a traveler to unravel the mysteries of Dr. Lebedev and learn about all the projects he labored on for many years.

On your flying transport, you soar over numerous abandoned cities, some merely deserted, while others have long been submerged. After a considerable journey, you finally come across the building you were told about. You take the first steps up the stairs, getting closer to the solution with each stride. Finally, you see massive doors, and your gaze shifts to a mysterious figure emerging from the shadows. It's Lucy, the one who doesn't allow just anyone in; you'll have to earn her trust.

Can you accomplish this?


Who is Lucy?

Lucy The GateKepper is a mysterious figure, an unsolved personality, as well as the scientist himself who created it. Nobody knows her character, she can do anything, but still she looks calm and even friendly. But no matter how friendly she is and would like to help, she is faithful to her creator, even knowing that he disappeared without a trace many years ago. She doesn't give access to the library, but there is something that could dissuade her. Something related to romance... But she won’t tell you about it, because you have to find out for yourself.

Here's also two images of her

NSFW WARNING! i warned you (for your rp)

1)Lucy without a n1ppl3s

2)Lucy n4ked